The Ontario government just unilaterally forced a contract on a union, preventing them from striking despite not having negotiated. This is the union’s response.

If their response is to sue, the Union’s response should be to strike.

Under the NRLB sure, but under the RLA that doesn’t work.

We can vote to authorize a strike, but there is an entire process to getting to the point of striking. If we skip any step in the process, it will come back on the union. That’s how the local got sued in the first place. There was an illegal work action committed during a cool off period during TA negotiations.

It grants some protections as a whole, but doesn’t control individual members just the same as a company can’t.

Individuals make up the local union and it’s not hard to convince a judge that individual members of the union can organize an illegal work action. Labor relations do cut both ways, which is nuance lost on most people here.

I swear it’s like no one here is actually involved with organized labor.

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