Ontario parents who object to vaccines could be forced to take a class in science of immunization.

I'm surprised you're using a computer. Did you build it from scratch yourself? If not, how can you be the sure a government agency isn't using to spy on you, poison you, kill you or all of the above?

You can't.

Do you, in fact, produce your own food from scratch yourself on your own farm and in your own garden? If not, how can you be sure it's not at least mildly poisonous? Do you, in fact, seek medical attention when you get sick or hurt? If so, how can you be sure they're not lying to you and telling you you're hurt way worse than you are in a systematic way to earn more money off you?

You can't.

Do you use a bank? Have you been vaccianted? Do you take medicine when sick, prescription or non-prescription? Do you drink tap water instead of water out of a well on your own grounds?

Here you're just losing contol of yourself. But if you meant to ask people if they think they could be absolutely sure that they are conpletely harmless, the answer is no.

If your answer to any of these questions is "Yes", then you did not arrive at any of your decisions to do these things through reason. Just you trusted blindly in other people.

Well, I think answered everything with no. But more to the point you have proven to have serious flaws in your reasoning. Answering "yes" to the question "do you drink tap-water" mean that person trusted the water company not to put anything wrong in your water, but it doesn't say that that person thought there could not be anything wrong with it. A person can arrive at the discussion through reason by recognising the fact that he cannot guarantee the water isn't poinsoned, but has made a risk-assesment based on previous experiences.

Anyway, I suggest you keep your smart-ass non-sense to youraelf and don't embarras the human race with it.

/r/worldnews Thread Parent Link - news.nationalpost.com