Ontario's anti-smoking program Leave The Pack Behind left behind by government cuts

You benefit from universal healthcare. If you find yourself unemployed, we have a welfare system that will keep you from dying on the streets. We have police, and fire services that are entirely funded by tax dollars, that you also benefit from. Those are the handouts I'm talking about to be a few.

You know what is a huge burden on am economy? A government who slashes its revenue streams (corporate tax rates) and then takes from the citizens it was sworn to protect. To add to that, what said government is taking from, they had sworn up and down to not touch.

Has nothing to do with government waste, and everything to do with catering to big business.

You sir, are either a Russian troll, an avid trump supporter, and in all facets an moronic inhumane monster.

Fwiw the conservatives have not benefitted me in the slightest as a small business owner, nor tax payer.

/r/ontario Thread Parent Link - cbc.ca