Ontario's child-care cuts will hurt low-income parents working or studying full time

That’s exactly it. There were plenty of times I could’ve used some help but We worked out asses off and persevered. That’s just what you do when you have a family to feed. That being said ,my wife and I stayed in school and got good jobs and can more than afford our children. My quam here is that I’m taxed to high heaven for social programs that don’t help my family or the family’s of anyone I associate with and I’m expected to put a smile on my face every year when the taxes go up. I receive none of these benefits Hst,trillium any of it. The same person who decided “fuck it” I’m dropping out of high school and sitting on my ass and milking the system lives nearly rent free and each of the children they couldn’t afford to have in the first place is now a payday. Do I live better,hell yes ,but that’s due to the healthy choices I made for my family. It’s an absolute mind fuck to think that you shouldn’t suffer for the poor choices you make in live and then piss and cry when your not rewarded with subsidies from the government. The fact that I got downvoted so hard it a testiment as to why this country is going straight to shit.

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