OP gets his answer as r/eldenring has a gamer moment

Just scrolled through that thread: most of the comments are agreeing with OP (as in, the Twitter chud is pathetic and in no way representative of the fandom). There are a few hateful comments (hence why the post was locked), but the ones I saw were heavily downvoted.

In fact, there is now a (heavily upvoted) post in that sub making fun of the chuds getting mad about "body type A and B" and calling them out on their bullshit.

I feel like there are more people "getting mad about people getting mad about body type a and b" here, than actual "people getting mad about body type a and b" over in r/eldenring

I get that this is a circlejerk sub, but misrepresenting things and blowing them out of proportion to feel better about yourselves doesn't seem healthy to me. Even if it done in jest.

/r/Gamingcirclejerk Thread Link - i.redd.it