OP posts a video of China to r/woahdude and vehemently/strangely defends all comments about China's civil rights abuses...

Are you saying people in China are as openly against The Chinese Government? Are you kidding me? xD

Are you a smoothbrain?
TIL correcting your 30 iq ramblings about the INSANE OPPOSITION of Americans (<30% is #INSANE bro) is supporting China, when I never even mentioned it.

Holy shit you are thick.
And no shit I'm going to use stats from the beginning of the invasion, obviously once even dumbass muricans realized their government is a piece of shit attitudes changed and people now pretend they never even supported it in the first place.
Every rational human being on the planet knew it was a load of bullshit from day 1, that excludes 70%+ of Americans.

/r/SubredditDrama Thread Parent