[Open / Mass-Event - 10 RB] The Awakening of Lords.

Vigil's information shop

Vigil had been studying the sky for some time now. The dark swirling clouds brought an unusual feeling of calm to his day. 'Maybe it will finally rain for once' with that though in mind Vigil settled in for a well deserved nap.

Being jolted awake by a thundering roar, Vigil looked around him in a still groggy state. After looking around he donned a look of confusion, disbelief, and then panic as he finally registered what was going on.

Letting out a loud string of curses he began preparing to fight, the hollows were already infected by the abyss splotches of black could be seen falling from their decaying bodies, looking up at the sky he only saw a then lair of clouds with a faint glow behind them, 'The dark shouldn't be setting in this early somethings wrong'.

Pushing such thoughts away for the moment Vigil ran to the strange pyromancer's shop, he needed fire and lots of it. Arriving at the s he found it empty, cursing before turning towards the door he noticed a small tome on the floor, inspecting it closer he realized that it was a pyromancy tomb the likes of which he hadn't seen before.

The Hydra's loud shriek broke his musings, quickly pocketing the tome he returned to his stall and picking up the rusted halberd before scowling at its weight 'I won't be any help if I just swing this piece of garbage'.

Yelling at the top of his lungs hoping everyone could hear he roared, "USE FIRE AGAINST THE HOLLOWS, TRY TO ATTACK THE HYDRA WITH LIGHTNING".

/r/DarkSoulsRP Thread