Open Road Market and Place Market Exploits

Wrong again asshole - I am not and have never been the admin of LeBonCoin I don't know why that person chose to use admin.

You never locked anyone out either you stupid fuck, I said that if you read the original message correctly English is not my first language and neither is French so it may not come across correctly so I will try again.

All you did was sent some pms to yourself from an account similar to Open_Support you didn't exploit shit you prick head, I said that when I logged in the account you created I copied the username.

I then tested the real Open_Support password with your username I copied, it did not work, I then copied and pasted your username replacing each letter until I found the offending letter which was the O once I copied and pasted it along with the real Open_Support password I was able to log into the real account but I had to replace the O otherwise it would not log in which means you never had the real account only one which looked similar and the real open_support was never locked out how could it be you didn't have the account.

Do you fucking understand what I am saying now?

Leboncoin is not mine and never has been.

The final kicker, I know you did pm support on the forum, but had you actually done that and not ran your mouth to reddit you would have had 10 btc in your pocket right now and I would still have the market running both of those things are now long gone, blame yourself.

I will create a new market in a few months, which looks nothing like O.R see you down the line.

/r/DarkNetMarkets Thread Parent