Open Up Your Awareness--Women Are Hitting On You Every Day And You're Oblivious To It

Bruh I agree with this post so much . Woman will give you that look from a distance and you just know to shoot your shot...

I work in a big warehouse type store and I’ll be in one aisle and then spot an attractive lady kinda staring at me from a distance. Once she has given me that look, I know she is most definitely available.

These woman will make there presence and energy known by lingering around my work area. Some just snoop around waiting for me to approach them while some woman are bold enough to ask me a question such as “do u guys carry this product... Blah blah... and then Boom i hit her with that strong eye contact, and simply let conversation flow. Easy number

Works like 75 percent of the time, it’s crazy. I literally go to work looking forward to interacting with customers and all that stuff

To add on to your point, Woman love attention. You always hear woman talking about being catcalled, being sexualized, how men are rude and all that stuff but in reality woman love that attention! Just show interest in woman, talk to them, make them feel special. If any woman ever gives you that look, just shoot your mothafucking shot forrreals

/r/seduction Thread Parent