to be openly racist and sexist.

This website has gone to shit. Remade an account after a few years and good God it's shit.

Reddit users constantly shit on Instagram but are way worse.

A grumpy lot that makes fun of fortnite players every other post calling them annoying even though they're being more annoying talking and posting about them all the time.

A site where bullying is looked down on but constantly mocks others through various subs like "justice served" where some out of context video shows someone getting beaten up for something they might not have even done. Because that's justice.

A site where unpopular opinions are downvoted to hell even thought the first top 3 comments are probably misleading, misinterpreted or just flat out misinformation.

A site where censorship is looked down on but every other thread on the front page gets locked and half the comments get removed.

A site where people repeat the same 3 memes and then call others thieves for posting on another website. Even though that's pretty much half of reddit.

I could go on and on. But I think I got the gist of it out. Think it's time to uninstall reddit. This site will only get worse before it never gets better.

It's literally become 2008 summer 4chan. I really have gone back in time.

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