openSUSE & You: Contributing to our Project

Sorry for a delayed reply.

Because of such people like you, many beginners have problems with starting to use Linux. When they ask about something on forums, they can get such an answer like yours.

Here's the thing: I'm usually happy to help users. My day-to-day life is absolutely fucking miserable - giving someone a smile or having a successful teaching moment is golden.

Ubuntu, openSUSE, doesn't make a lick of difference to me provided I have a reasonably good answer and can source some links to provide them with self-help tools.

How long will the Linux communities be hostile for the people who want to try out something new.

Well, you didn't start a thread with a line of inquiry about successfully introducing Linux into your life and workflows.

Instead, you hijacked a well-written, informative, pour-your-heart-out-with-love-and-enthusiasm post by Richard to espouse opinions and accusations that IMO were practically dripping with rancor and insults between the lines.

And then you throw all of that shit in his face - you referenced him - as if he's the Grand Poobah of Linux and Sometime Kitten Punter.

I only know him informally, as with most people here, but they're good folk and damned good at what they do and openSUSE - Leap, Tumbleweed, even gorram Factory - tends to work brilliantly.

I should've been a lot more hostile, and if I were still 20 or something, I'd have taken you apart - I think the world of a lot of the folk you just called scurrilous morons.

I'm not frustrated - I need a good operating system for my everyday work like probably over 90% users in the world.

Then use one carefully designed and monetized to accomplish same - get an install of Win10 on your machine, buy an iFruit, whatever.

If I remember correctly from the last time we had this discussion, you're functionally adequate with Windows: Use that.

If you want to have only a toy for your pleasure, your problem. What did I write wrong in my previous post? I would hear a true expert in computing.

I use Linux for business, for pleasure, for everything - and have for over a decade now. Hardly just a "toy" because it gives YOU indigestion.

I've set up complete neophytes - my elderly Mom, ex-cons, you name it with varying distros and desktop environments - all successfully.

So, to steal some code from an old phrase:

If it's the ENTIRE LINUX ECOSYSTEM that's wrong, maybe the you.

And if this was unnecessarily harsh, I apologize - I don't know how sensitive you are. Tried to keep it toned down.

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