Opinion: Mercy feels frustrating to play against because her play style is too forgiving (possible changes inside)

I'm all for having an actual discussion about the character but unfortunately most discussions devolve into memeing and general stereotypical hatred.

This might be an unpopular opinion but I really don't feel she needs a nerf. She's popular as your generic healer but that is all she's good at. She doesn't do much damage and her having to do damage means she's not healing which then she isn't doing her job.

Alot of complaints regarding Mercy and the stereotypes surrounding her is that she needs babysitting, needs protecting and players can't do that to the point that some Mercy players demand, it's just unrealistic. Nerfing her in anyway will only provoke her players into playing safer, hiding more and generally not doing what Mercy is suppose to be doing - being a battle medic. By this I mean that she should be in or close to a fight.

The real problem is that Mercy and her players arn't rewarded for playing how she should be played. If they are tempo rezzing and generally being in battle then they hardly go on fire but if they hide and get that big rez then she's on fire and gets rewarded more.

She is an easy character and when people say she has a low skill kit she does. However, each class has your generic 'easy' type of character. Making Mercy harder leaves a void for an 'easy support.

/r/Overwatch Thread