Opinion On Area Selection's Feature

For Joseph in specific, I'm not so sure why people thought this would hurt him. It saves the Photographer player the time of having to stress about memorizing spawns, because you already know where everyone is, and they can make an easy photo route using the chosen spawns. 'They can hide' yes, but you can only hide in so many places in such little time. It's going to be a very strong tool Josephs can use.

For other hunters, it honestly doesn't seem to do them too badly? Obviously at that tier they probably have spawns in memory, but for the rare times they don't, they'll know the best survivor to target first (based on area and how viable it is to kite in, I'd say) thanks to this change. It's definitely a change that seems to so far favor hunters in all honestly, because all survivors can do is hide and there's only so much time to do so when the hunter knows your exact area.

/r/IdentityV Thread