OPINION: Riot is changing for the better and I'm excited

This opinion constantly flip-flops and always over-corrects one way for some bizarre reason.

See a lot of posts here that goes something along the lines of "Riot has always been a good game developer." I'd agree in terms of the fact that Riot has been "better" as of late, which is a true comment, but the former opinion is patently untrue.

Riot has a had a bizarre series of gaffes/shady shit throughout their history. S1 Europe having insanely unplayable servers for god knows how long with the best Red Post responses being essentially "Deal with it?" Riot's own leaked shenanigans with trying to prevent players from streaming any other game except LoL? Riot pulling some strange shit on Badawi (Like him or hate him, the whole concept of applying a retroactive ruling on a person reeks of bullshit)?

Essentially, idolizing Riot as great game developers isn't correct, neither is maligning them as evil, moustache-twirling villains. They're just...a company, and should be viewed as such. They'll always pull strange shit, and they'll pull customer-pleasing shit too. That's just the way it works and trying to frame it as one thing or another doesn't work.

Unless they go full potato and start outright suing other game developers patent-troll style, trying to mass fine teams everywhere with repeated instances of trumped-up charges, actively matchfixing games by threatening teams, and neglecting their game entirely to add in more mobile-esque pay-to-win functions, but if that happens, that'll open up a whole new can of worms.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread