Opinion: Why we should let Iran have its nuclear weapons

I actually agree as well. We know which governments have nuclear weapons.

Infrared satellites have been used since the cold war to detect storage centers. In the modern world, we have neutrino detectors which can observe radioactive collections as well. Plus regular old spy satellites watching movement.

What made the Iranian nuclear deal strong and groundbreaking was the limitations on enrichment and the regular observation of its facilities.

The fact of the matter is nuclear technology is just phenomenon like any technology and it’s only going to proliferate more and more across the earth as time goes on. Although we have the technology to tell roughly what’s going on, those rough observations are all insufficient and will be for a long time. In the meanwhile, it only takes a few minutes to destroy the planet.

Iran would probably have nukes some day, but so will everyone else. The spirit of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (Iranian nuclear deal) was to set an important precedent as we move into a more nuclear world. It’s a global threat which therefore requires global commitment.

Trump really blew it with that one.

/r/politics Thread Link - independent.co.uk