Opinion: We shouldn't need a pandemic crisis to see Singapore's migrant workers are human

They are forced by their circumstances, in which they are born in, to come and do hard labour in a foreign land. Some people are born into poverty, others born in a comfortable setting. Life is not fair, but the very least we can do is to help them, make life a little easier for them.

We have the moral responsibility to care for others. As fellow human beings, we are held responsible for turning a blind eye to their appalling living conditions. This reflects the ugly side of Singaporeans; the passiveness and lack of empathy towards others. If it doesn’t concern us directly, we ignore it. We take advantage of their labour, internalising that we are of a higher rank on the social hierarchy. It is time to recognise that, and we should start examining our role in this whole situation.

/r/singapore Thread Parent Link - southeastasiaglobe.com