Opinions about China.

My question is, how do you see people around you about this topic? Do you think there is widespread rejection of the West and longing for a "revenge" by siding with Russia and China.

Not as much as you might think.

I've seen some nutjobs that stand for Venezuelan communism and the Chinese regime (not listing names, but I've already had heated arguments with a lot of them over at r/brasil and r/brasildob), but the truth is the vast majority of people that talk about it are getting their information from propaganda, be it pro-china or against it .

I myself am very intrigued by the country and plan to travel to it someday in the future, to see how they handle things there and form my own opinions, but from what I know I'm not a big fan of the way the regime treats non-Han minorities.

/r/asklatinamerica Thread