Opinions on Governor Sununu

And this is why NH is falling so far behind its neighbors... this thread is full of some of the most selfish, ignorant, and downright hateful people in New England- and this guy is a prime example of the troglodyte hicks that give the Granite State its redneck, “drug infested den” reputation. Guns are for the weak, plain and simple. Can’t talk your way out of a bad situation? Can’t use common sense and foresight to prevent violence? You NEED a gun? How SMALL is your dick, dude? Maybe you’d like Russia better, comrade- the weather is pretty similar this time of year.

Voting Republican in this day and age shows how thoroughly out of touch one is with the momentum of humanity, and how pathetically little he or she regards the sanctity of human life. Education is the only path to freedom and NH ranks far behind its neighbors in education funding. Why would you be proud to be the least educated state in NE? Are you even aware of the staggering brain drain that is currently happening in your state? Any guesses as to why the majority of intelligent natives leave NH after school? There’s a reason that New Hampshire is fast leading the nation in per capita opiate overdoses and all its money comes from tourism (ie- the “Massholes” you bemoan but have no problem sucking up to for literally all your state’s income).

Man, you and the rest of the rednecks on this thread are some serious losers.


/r/newhampshire Thread Parent