Opinions on the Inverted Strike difficulty

Things like difficulty are hard to gauge and compare in something like the beta. Part of what made the strike hard, at least for me, is that I didn't know what to expect.

Since I haven't been following all the videos, content and articles, I didn't know about the floor damage ability and a number of other things that made the fight harder. Heck, based off my experience with Vex, I didn't even attack the bosses head at first, since I didn't think it was the critical spot. I can't imagine I am the only person who needed to learn a thing or two, which contributes to the difficulty.

That being said, once my team figured out what we needed to do, the strike was pretty easy. I imagine the difficulty you're seeing now might just be the initial troubles and it will eventually be like what we're use to.

One of the thrills/reasons to play at release is for precisely this reason. Even the easiest of bosses have wipes and things to learn, where as you could probably find six people and easily complete any challenge in Destiny 1, because of the experience people have.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread