Opinions on leaving the blowtorch or pan spray under the heat lamps?

Away from heat.

Pressurized canisters of flammable liquid don't mesh with heat sources.

In my own home, I had a simple electronic device charger (Made in China) explode at about 3am last year. It sounded like a shotgun or a hand grenade. It almost set fire to my entire home kitchen. I had to break out an extinguisher. It melted part of the counter, and 10 seconds too late would have caught the kitchen cupboards on fire (Flames were that close) and the rest of a very old wood frame house on fire.

Don't take unnecessary risks. If I hadn't woken up, we (my family) would have died in a horrendous fire in a very old wood-framed house. Still, it was a horrendous bang. I shot from bed and unplugged it, threw it into the sink, and grabbed the extinguisher.

You: Go buy an extinguisher. My multiple smoke detectors never went off.

/r/KitchenConfidential Thread