Opinions on the LGBTQ+ community.

  • ”Yemen is a perfect example of Western intervention. The Aden protectorate was kept separate by the British, up until the 1960s since their separation in the 1840s. The forceful reunfication of the 2 Yemens is why there is a war. No one likes being forced into stuff they don't want.”

Again, it plays a role, but is far from being the sole reason. And yet again, you deny any responsibility of the parties present there today. What goes on is deeply affected by colonialism, true, but not a natural consequence that the regimes in power today didn’t escalate for their own gains.

  • ”The "you" in this context is referring to the Western World in general.”

I am not the “Western World”. You’re talking to one person. Don’t equate me with what you want to argue against. I’m not doing that to you, either.

  • ”And shifting blame? Why are we to blame for countries we didn't blame?”

I don’t understand what you’re trying to say here. You are blaming everyone else and only admit some tiny morsel of responsibility of some Muslim actors when I point them out to you. Until then, it’s always the evil West that is to blame for absolutely everything, according to you.

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