Do opposites attract? ENTJ-ENTJ relationships

I am in an ENTJ-ENTJ relationship and this has been nothing but amazing. After reading a few comments it seems like people generally think that such a relationship would turn into some sort of a competition where both partners try to constantly compete with one another about everything. This just isn't the case if either one of you is even moderately emotionally and socially intelligent. One of the best things in dating another ENTJ is that we have NEVER, not even once, had a fight where one of us would involve anything personal, we argue about things and when the other partner is like you, rational and logical and simply reasons very well and explains what they say it's next to impossible to end up having a devastating fight.

The biggest stepping-stone in an ENTJ-ENTJ relationship is learning to suppress your ego. I feel like once an ENTJ sort of grows out of believing or exaggerating their own abilities they get more mellow and pleasant to be around. When you find a person you love you act differently with them, no matter their personality type - which is a relatively arbitrary thing anyway and shouldn't be taken too seriously. A relationship shouldn't be a competition and once you have two like-minded people with the same values it really, really doesn't matter what your personality types are. To me, sharing the same type is a huge advantage and more important than dating someone with a certain type of personality is sharing the similar dreams and values, obviously there has to be some sort of chemistry and I feel as though having a similar personality means it's far more likely for two individuals to have such a connection.

Also some ENTJs like submissive partners, I prefer people with strong personalities and a romantic relationship where one partner holds all the power is an almost macabre idea for me.

/r/entj Thread