Oprah Winfrey possesses no discernible virtues whatsoever. She is a self obsessed narcissist whose one contribution to society is being little more than the world's first influencer.

I don't think you're accurately characterizing her show, past or present. Seems to be built more on the reddit narrative or that genuinely funny bit that Bill Burr had about her.

She encourages her audience to read books like The Secret which explains the law of attraction but suspiciously leaves out all the important details about hard work

I just looked it up and this book was never part of the book club (PDF). I think the author was on the show or something. But if you want to see the books she actually recommends, take a look at the ACTUAL list and see for yourself that you've created a cartoon version of her that isn't based on actually watching her.

I don't watch her either, so that's fine, but if you watched a normal, average show of hers I doubt you'd actually object to any of what she says and find her values are basically the same as yours. You can find YouTube clips I'm sure of things you'd disagree with, but that's not what the show normally is.

The reality, based on facts, that gets rockets to the moon and cures illnesses.

You sound a bit deranged here, in my opinion. People "speaking their truth" has nothing to do with being against science. It's just an acknowledgment that people have a view of the world based on their personal experiences that differs from what others experience. It's a recognition that we get closer to truth when we share those experiences with one another.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread