Orb Ghost/Spirit Sighting??

It could just be passing through. I mean it didn't try to scare you or anything. It also seems to not have come back. They are active during the night, so if you stay up late, you may see them when they take on shapes or forms that we can comprehend. So its not just shadowy orb but some people have seen them in other colour of orbs, some saw them flying on the sky. Some saw them in a shape of blob that is green or yellow. Some see them as a black figure. Depends on what shape or form they take and also it depends on how strong and knowledgeable they are. The stronger they are the more frightening shape or form they may take or they can even look just like a human. So for example they can take on your shape and start eating at your home. Then when you are at home and eating, your parents may say I just saw you eat few minutes ago, but that person before was actually the invisible entity and not you. Sometimes they can possess you, so you become unconscious and then you see yourself in the middle of a road or at top of the mountain. So while you were unconscious they moved around with your body. Then when they are tired they may stop controlling your body and rest. Sometimes they may take control of your body and you inside are actually aware your body is moving around but you have no control of it.

/r/Paranormal Thread