Orca vs Rtic Coolers

I have an RTIC because it was on massive clearance, but I don't care about what brand I own it was just cause the price. Any cooler will keep beer cold for the weekend when properly prepped.

Prepping the cooler is key. If you shove 40 warm beers in a cooler that was sitting in a hot garage with a bag or two of ice? The ice will be melted by the evening.

You need to prechill the cooler as cold as humanly possible, then prechill everything going in the cooler to desired storage temp, then add your items and ice. I have a giant chest freezer that I put my RTIC a couple days before I need it. I bring the cooler down to desired item storage temp in the freezer and put all my items in and let it cool all the way through in the freezer. When I need it, take it out, add the ice, and it lasts the whole weekend ice barely melts.

/r/camping Thread