Oregon man accused of sexually assaulting a chicken

Another redditor, TheSoundOfTastyYum wrote a short poem. I was inspired, so I felt compelled to tell the WHOLE story! My version begins after his second stanza. I figured death was too kind for Timmy!!!

A caress, a sigh, a startled "cluck?!" And Timmy knew he was in luck. Getting in had been quite a test But there was Edwina, snug in her nest. . He'd crept in so carefully Each and every time, To be with fair Edwina "How could they call love a crime?"

But sneaking without care (just once!), His creeping form had been spied. And with a "click-click" and a "who's there?!" Timmy fucking died.

I was inspired!!! My poem ‘takes over’ after the second verse, ending "How could they call love a crime?"

"RAPE" clucked Edwina, to all who would hear, but caged in a barn, no one that mattered was near. That's when her friend, Bertha, came up with the plan. Prepare for the right moment to deal with this man!!!

For days and days, Edwina complied. While f*cked by Timmy, she quietly cried. The hens all around found themselves in a rage, but were sadly confined, each one in a cage.

But life's a journey that no crystal ball, nor foreboding Gypsy can forsee, lest what happened wouldn't have happened, to that chicken--f*cking bastard...Timmy!!!!!

Again, one night, at his usual time, he planned to RAPE Edwina and get away with his crime. Only this night was different....you see Bertha was there, And she'd planned for this moment with intensive care.

A few beaks were broken, opening all the hens' cages, but no words could describe years of pent up rages!

As Timmy prepared to violate poor sweet Edwina, his expectations were shockingly changed! Be a gaggle or goggle or flock...or whatever, …this was a massive gang of chickens enraged!

Timmy reached and intended to snatch Edwina, to enjoy his wretched pleasure and bliss. But his efforts were met with unforgiving rage. Besides, can a chicken kiss????

Bertha'd longed for this moment!! and her sisters were all.....prepared. Timmy's pecker was there for the pecking. Nothing that mattered was to be spared!!!!

It's ironic that chicken are known to 'peck'. Timmy’s pecker was pecked all to bits! This savage attack, well it didn’t stop there… They destroyed Timmy’s ‘precious’ nuggets!!!

There’s a moral here: Don’t go fcking chickens! Especially when they have friends. Eunich Timmy agrees, at least privately, Beware how chicken fckin ends!!!!!!!!!!!!

/r/news Thread Link - katu.com