Ori needs the Yuumi treatmeant

I've mained Ori for the last few years and this would massively impact her playetstyle, for better AND worse.

While I'd welcome this change for times where I play with premades, it would probably be a hinderance in SoloQ. People would all of the sudden try to coordinate their engages with Ori ball in mind instead of focusing on their own abilities.

While most decent Adc mains may have gotten used to playing with a Yuumi inside of them by now, many players would need months if not years to adapt to the different playstyle around Orianna's ball, due to the rarity of the champion in SoloQ.

If Riot ever implements such a massive change to Ori's kit, please do so in some sort of (mini) rework. I for one find it much easier to play around my teammates not paying attention to Ori's ball than having to endure inexperience in playing around it and forcing players to try to coordinate engage with a random player.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread