[Original] Andrew JD - Dark-Green Clouds -- y'all want to end pill poppin culture? Support transcendental psychedelic rap with lyrical substance!!

I was actually motivated because the top post was we need to end pill-poppin and my music from the start has always been a way for people who've never taken drugs to get high from the music itself. I also am making music that is in direct opposite of the culture we currently find ourselves in. I post my music in general, but I haven't done so for awhile. This situation made me feel specifically called upon.

LOL you say not to assume your taste yet you assume my intentions when I guarantee you have no idea what I'm working on, how sincere my music actually is and thus my intentions for this post. I genuinely believe I individually can shift the culture but HHH has always been hivemind as fuck and hates anyone that doesn't sound like the flavor of the month.

I know it sucks that you are so easy to throw into a category, but you are. You have no idea how generic you sound to me, how many people sound exactly like you. You need to get fucking real and make something of your life rather than tearing down some good shit. Because this song I've linked to has been praised by the exact type of people who go to this forum, but anyone giving it only 30 seconds (or anything for that matter) will never hear it.

/r/hiphopheads Thread Parent Link - soundcloud.com