Original Diablo deserves a remaster,hear me out or if you will - stay a while and listen...

Absolutely. For them bullying other mods, there are some on Reddit itself, but a lot of them on the GoG forums. The person who creates one of the other popular mods is called Mordor (or Mordor_TH) I think. He does the hell mod / the hell2 I believe. While browsing through those forums in the past, most of his topics just talking about his own mod (not even mentioning these people), they would go into each of his topics and make fun of him. Qndel I think even stole his source code and laughed at him while publicly dumping it. Believe me, they are sick people and I if there is one thing I cannot stand it's bullies.

Same with discoveries. Mint found a rare quest bug that was never documented before last year, made a nice topic about it on Reddit, then Qndel and his Github team came on the topic (that had tons of upvotes and praise) and got one of the moderators on here (who is friends with them, *I think*) and got it removed after they complained. Yeah... a brand new discovery and they threatened them into removing it. Then guess what? NiteKat and his friends uploaded it to youtube, claiming it was theres. I think the other person is Ajenbo in their team, he also claimed credit that they found it on Github, Lurkers Lounge and other places. It's dispeciable.

Thankfully Mint had the smarts to upload their videos of when they found it way back in July of last year. Their group tried to say they didn't steal it, but if you actually look into it, while Nitekat's video doesn't show all three quests being active for that bug, the bug level reroll he shows was ONLY discovered because of what Mint found, and the actual process of dropping unique items from another game came directly from their findings. They said they asked just to get credited for it on Nitekats video, and it was promptly deleted and they laughed at them.

All other evidence (like more of the bullying and harassment from them) was reported to GoG, Discord and here (about a dozen other people saw them do this, just on here alone and reported it to Reddit). I think what it comes down to is just a group of 20 or 30 somethings, that ONLY do this modding stuff for an old video game, and when someone in their circle finds something, they bully the crap out of them, but thankfully people like Mordor or Mint have the will power to stick up to these people.

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