Orwell Rolls in his Grave (2003) - Devastating Expose on American Democracy, Journalism and Media Concentration, featuring Bernie Sanders

Haha yes....your proved your own point. Most redditos are motivated by the up/downvote system. I believe most of Americans agree with you yet you have -13 points. It shows how biased redditos are. For people (and reddit mods, etc) to portray stories/votes/posts the way it does with the bias the mods and vocal few have, is misleading at the least. Just take a look at r/politics and you won’t see any upvoted right-leaning posts. Seeing that and being someone who identifies as middle-of-the-road is a complete turn off as it isn’t indicative of what one experiences in daily life.

And for those wondering, for someone playing softball, basketball, and hockey in men’s leagues in a large metropolitan area, most people I speak with agree that Trump is an idiot when he opens his mouth but love that he is doing well for the eco omg and shaking up the imbedded political system. Most realize Trumps faults but see value in his tactics. Also, no normal people (agree this is my bias) don’t agree with open borders. Your losing that front, too. And AOC is the laughing stock of water cooler, baseball diamond, and court tAlk amongst ALL races. People are more united than you think.

/r/Documentaries Thread Parent Link - youtube.com