Oskar Blues Shipping Passion Fruit PINNER Throwback IPA This Month

I loved Sculpin. Grapefruit Sculpin was a nice twist. Then all the other West Coast IPAs that started following that trend got to the point of, "ok, we get it - you're making your extremely bitter IPA much more juicy and sweeter."

You know what tastes like an extremely juicy IPA with aromas of mango, citrus, and passionfruit all through hops? New England IPAs. Why don't we stop adding juice to the IPAs and stop the bullshit that NE IPAs aren't "true" because they're hazy, and accept the style as a "real" style? I actually feel a hazy IPA is more of a true IPA than an IPA with fruit juice added.

Back when all I knew of "craft" beer was Blue Moon, I'd have an orange slice in it. I graduated onto real hefeweissens. They'd be served with an orange slice, mainly because the industry had no clue yet at this time where I was - they just figured you throw an orange slice into these wheat beers because Blue Moon.

One time, I had a bartender who knew her shit and served me one without an orange slice. I asked for one, and she put me in my place explaining that adding an orange slice to one of the world's best hefeweissens is like adding A1 to a great steak. You only add fruit to beer if it's a shitty beer that needs it -- Blue Moon and Corona are the ones that popularized the concept, embraced that they need fruit in them, and it's part of their image now. Unfortunately, it taught people to think that fruit in their beer is good.

I don't mind fruit in my beer if the beer was specifically made to be complimented with it or if it's a little bit to compliment the beer or if it's something unique and goes amazingly like Grapefruit Sculpin. Alas, the fruit IPAs have gotten out of control at this point. You have excellent IPAs already, and you go and ruin it with fruit juice? Why?

All that said, I know I'll try this one as I love Pinner and passion fruit. Sigh.

/r/beer Thread Link - tenemu.com