Ossoff debates empty podium as Perdue refuses to participate

Why the fuck are these politicians millionaire's? They don't resemble the people, they resemble the business owners who don't pay taxes the same as the rich, but poor folks pay taxes and that makes sense how? All these rich fuckers want to keep their constituents stupid and broke and desperate to keep their shitty jobs that are exploiting them by paying shit wages while making them pay up for having the right by working to get healthcare. Your employer should want you healthy so you'd be more productive, but it's cheaper to just hire some new person so you can pay them less, after you've either gotten to sick to work or just up and died. But "Look out, coloured people and homosexuals and socialist are going to invade your communities and force you into homosexual relationships with p.o.c. while giving you the option to get medical care without going bankrupt or crowdfunding surgery." Woah, we can't have that now can we? Next thing, they'll be asking for reasonable gun laws i.e. better screenings, mandatory training and safety classes, NOT taking guns away, or <gasp> don't even suggest police reform. We know we need a citizen police force, no one seriously considers abolishing the police that would be stupid. We just want accountability and external oversight. We want the police to be better trained and taught to help not be afraid. We want the police not to be taught to see us as the enemy or think we are always a threat. But that can't happen because the police are there to protect the businesses who donate to the politicians, who sit around and argue back and forth and don't do shit for the people. Because they built this entire country on the backs of the people they saw as beneath them. Which is ALL OF US.

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