OT - I need advice about an old friend.

I didn't ask her to do anything out of the ordinary, really. I only saw her a few times during my pregnancy, when she had jury duty and I invited her over to my house for lunch, and once when I drove down to get lunch with her on her break. She was going through a bit of a rough time with her job, and I really wanted to be there for her - we didn't talk about my pregnancy at all, just her job and how much she hated her coworkers. It was really tough for me to say that I needed time, which was mainly due to my anxiety and depression - I'd been feeling like she didn't really value me as a friend at all, especially when she didn't make an effort to see me or even engage in conversation that wasn't about work for her. I think it was even harder for me because I wanted to be there for her, I really did, but she just didn't really seem interested in being my friend at all. She didn't offer to throw me a baby shower, and I wasn't expecting one from her at all! I didn't ask for anything, and I go back and forth between being angry that she basically ghosted me and sad that she wouldn't let me be there for her if something bigger was going on. I feel like I should add that the time between when I said I needed to take a break from her and when my baby was born was less than a month.

/r/blogsnark Thread