ot Internet Comment Etiquette to actually reply to my reddit post. I am like fuckking stoked this is the coolest thing to ever happe tto me

so I was walking my dog the other day and I was wondering whether the government intentionally made dogs seem fuckable to the average sister or if that was just me and if the chemicals in the chemtrails get into the puddles that my dog was walking over to make me think that. Just so you know, Bush did 3/11 and Jeb was responsible and is actually a lizard person who controls the entire world. I even have this document as proof. Bounced on my boys dick for hours thinking about this increedible philisophical dilemma until infowars came on so I could rid my body of the soy that the governemtn has been using to homosexualise the population

(that was my attempts at an erik style comment it was very bad sorry)

/r/teenagers Thread