OTHER: Charisma Carpenter from Buffy the Vampire Slayer has come out in support of Ray Fisher, corroborating his reports of abuse from Joss Whedon with her own.

Ok so Joss was a shitty boss? These people have to understand that this isn’t abuse or harassment and is a complete bastardization of what #metoo/times up was about. Not only that her “standing with ray fischer” doesn’t mean anything when she wasn’t there, her experiences were completely unrelated, and, most importantly, Ray Fischer still hasn’t actually accused him of anything specific. This reeks of bandwagoning

As a big fan of both Buffy and Angel, it does upset me that she had such a shitty experience and he was such a shitty boss but this isn’t abuse or harassment and doesn’t lend any more credibility to Ray Fischer and his desperate attempts to remain in the spotlight.

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