The other day, I fapped until my penis skin was so raw that it bled. This was after browsing porn for close to 6 hours. I need an intervention, but I'm also a ForeverAlone, and have nobody.

Thank you for opening up to us. That takes guts.

It's been a month since your post. How has your past month been?

I suggest a four-pronged approach for dealing with your drug habit and your unwanted sexual behaviors:

1. Start getting counselling on a regular basis.

Do you have any health insurance of any sort whatsoever? Or are you in school? Insurances and schools sometimes pay for free counselling.

Do you have a way to get access to counselling?

And may I ask where you're located?

2. Attend one or more twelve-step meetings.

Narcotics Anonymous is a catch-all group for all addictions, but I advise you to instead attend one of the "S groups" which specializes in unwanted sexual behaviors. SA, SAA, and SLAA are probably the three biggest "S groups". For now, choose whichever group meets at the most convenient time and place. You can find a meeting list for your hometown using Google.

Don't procrastinate on this.

Also visit a meeting of Underearners Anonymous. If they don't have meetings in your city, they have teleconference meetings available, and they may also have webcam meetings.

3. Get some routine in your life, if you don't have any yet.

Work, school, twelve-step meetings, and/or volunteering. The same day and time every week. Minimum one hour per week; preferably more.

4. Internet filtering and monitoring.

If you want free, then set up OpenDNS on your router (tell your family that it "makes the Internet faster") and K9 Web Protection plus X3Watch Free on all your PCs. OpenDNS by itself is not enough.

I don't know much about filtering and monitoring for mobile devices. Try some mobile filtering and monitoring software. If it doesn't work, cancel your data plan and use "MAC filtering" to kick all your mobile devices off of your router.

If your mobile devices are jailbroken, you may also be able to set them to use OpenDNS.


Those are my suggestions. What do you think about them?

Please keep us posted.

/r/NoFap Thread