
Agree with you so much! I could never quite figure out why Snyder's movies sucked. They look pretty, there are such cool sequences in them, but the entire movie itself sucks for some reason.

I'm the nerd that forced my friends and family to watch these superhero flicks. I could never make anyone go with the Snyder DC movies with me.

Idk the best descriptions I've seen of his movies problems are from Honest Trailers and some other YouTube guy. Honest Trailers said "what if we made a movie that was basically a trailer?" and the other person pointed out that Snyder's movies are amazing sequences with scenes in-between that just tack the next cool sequence to the last one. The example was the Avengers argument in the 2012 movie vs Justice League argument. Avengers have development and the argument is part of the plot to the bad guy's plan. The Justice League's argument is just to have some fun moments, some exposition, and then they go do the fight. So Snyder's just moving you from cool thing to cool thing but the underlying structure has no further depth to it.

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