Ouch ... I felt that one deep in my soul.

I’m a dad, once I had kids everything changed, it is a feeling like no other of love and fulfillment and pride and joy and challenge and selflessness. It’s the culmination of a hundred thousand years of evolution deciding to make humans richly rewarded by having, teaching and caring for kids. Chemical changes, hormone changes, changes that make you feel complete. It’s like nothing else, so my point is that is why I think it is so on the forefront of parents’ minds that they hope and wish their children will become parents. Because if you don’t, you’ll never know, but if you did you can experience what they experienced, and they can’t imagine you missing out on it. Also, once they’ve had that feeling and they lose it when their kid’s grow up, you’d give anything to recapture the joy so you hope like crazy your kids have some grandkids. If a child is gay, I wouldn’t skip a beat suggesting they adopt or use a surrogate once they are in a lifelong relationship.

/r/MurderedByWords Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it