Our cat Larry was adopted 3 months ago and sometimes has a hard time fitting in with his new brothers. He was never allowed to explore his backyard in the past so his “hunting” skills are a bit new. Yesterday he brought the family his first “catch” it was a leaf and we are all very proud!

Will be so much funner when he can get into birds nests like your other boys!! My outdoor cats are SERIOUS huntresses. One even brought me a baby golden eagle once!!

We have weasels (they’re rare from over hunting) and when they have babies, my little hunters always bring me a couple. Sometimes the mom too!

They’re seriously so cute. My little lions! My neighbor gets pissed and sent me a link to an article that said cats have contributed to the extinction of 63 species of birds, mammals, and reptiles in the wild. In the United States alone, outdoor cats kill approximately 2.4 billion birds every year.

Uhhh bye Karen? What am in supposed to do? Keep my cats indoors? That would be cruel

The only issue with that was coyotes, but this town removes them and has them euthanzied to protect pets, thank god.

/r/MadeMeSmile Thread Link - i.redd.it