Our Minister for Education talks about what makes a school a good school.

no, its why many people are missing the point by thinking this means all schools are elite schools something like that.

countries can aspire to a stage where it becomes possible to boast that all their schools are pretty good or that their poor lead pretty good lives. but thats really the extent of it: pretty good, by an international or maybe some other absolute standard (e.g. do the poor have food, shelter, and opportunities for betterment?)

it doesnt mean better alternatives dont exist, or that one would voluntarily choose to be poor, or choose for their children a school thats less well-endowed. its more of "every society has its ups and downs, and should any of you be unfortunate enough to one day find yourself at the bottom either by misfortune or just the circumstances of your birth (maybe you were born poor, or your children didnt get in to the school you wanted), take heart that it doesnt get that bad and there are fair chances for a way out"

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