Our music is awful

The boys wanted my view point of the story along with their, and the details they also forgot to mention, so here it goes. First off, their music isn't the greatest... So I can agree with our little ghost acquaintance on that one. But, as I was sitting on the couch trying to evade the music out with the TV I heard someone walk through the living room behind me. I had not noticed the guys coming upstairs to go to the bathroom, getting food, or checking me throughout the evening so I just figured it to be one o them again. Of course usually they would make a comment as to how bad my butt stank (inside running joke, as of course it doesn't) as they passed through. So I thought it to be strange that nothing was said. As I tuned out the TV to listen to see who it was, I could hear nothing but the footsteps. I started to say something and as soon as I did the door slammed, and instead of a snide comment came a scream.

Terrified, as I strongly believe in ghosts, I ran down stairs to where they guys were. Kevin was the first of the boy I saw, holding a fire stick poker. My scream of course unsettled them I grabbed Kevin's sweatshirt in terror, and ran to Sean and ecstatically told him my encounter. I did't start crying until they had told me what had happened to them. As we all sat down stairs completely terrified, we decided to leave. But, all of mine and Sean's things were upstairs. Along with Kevin's chargers. Of course you would think the boys would venture upstairs first, but of course, I had to be the one to man up and go first. With the guys following behind me we made it up the stairs to find my blanket at the bottom of the recliner, where I had distinctly put it on the couch as I was screaming. Of course that all made us a little more uneasy. Soon after Sean stated that he was not going to go into room where the door had slammed, which happened to be the room that all of our stuff was in. And of course, I was the one who had to go into the room. Alone.

As I slowly opened the door I noticed my hair extensions (don't judge, as I am white) had been moved from the bed to the dresser. I quickly grabbed our things, then proceeded to fix the sheet on the bed. As I pulled the corner up I looked at Kevin, who was recording the whole thing, then back down at the bed to discover a baby doll that wasn't there before. That was the last straw. We left the house in a full fledged panic, and onto the icy Indiana back roads.

Kevin and Luke made it to Luke's house before Sean and I. As we pulled into the driveway and got out my back began to burn. And by burn, I mean BURN. It felt as if I had got sliced with 30 razor blades at once. I told Sean but he shrugged it off, as he was on the phone telling our encounter to another close friend. We got inside and I told Kevin, as we pulled up the back of my shirt, we discovered that my back was completely red, and irritated with scratches. But, we shrugged it off and thought it was just from my shirt being wrinkled against my back, (Our minds could not take anymore)

We ventured the rest of the way into Brownstown, to my house, to stay the night. As we parked and got out of the car, I had forgot my lighter. I got back into the car and saw that there was another doll in Sean's driver seat where he had sat. Freaked out, threw the doll, then went inside and decided to tell Reddit.

/r/nosleep Thread