Out of personal interest, how many people who frequent this sub are/were-once overweight and/or obese?

I've been overweight my entire life - even slightly pudgy as a kid. I remember I was already in the 160s around 15-16, which is 5-10 lbs higher than my ideal BMI range for my height. I was briefly in healthy range when I was 18, but that's my lowest weight in the past 9-10 years. My highest weight was a few months ago, at nearly 195, after giving up on myself b/c of dealing with depression, assault, and a few lingering lower body injuries over the past three years. At 195, I just eked out of being obese by BMI standards. At the same time, I do also have quite a bit of lean mass. At my heaviest I was about 35% bf%, and I'm now down to 32-33%, which depending on your source, one of the two is the cutoff point for healthy vs. overweight for women. So yay there! Still a lot more work to go though; I'm aiming to be on the high side of healthy BMI by this summer.

My mom has been overweight or obese for as long as I can remember. My dad only became obese in the past few years, as he became very sedentary. Growing up, I never had any conception of portion control. I vaguely remember having to finish my supper to do things I wanted as a small child. I also remember pouring myself heaping bowls of sugary cereals. My dad also loved cooking meats, and he would make these huge steaks - delicious steaks that we were basically expected to finish. Like, I'd guesstimate these to be 12 oz. steaks, maybe more. Our "vegetable" in a balanced meal would usually be corn. Sometimes broccoli with melted velveeta cheese smothering it.

My mom is on her feet in an ER all day. I'm honestly not sure how she manages to keep her weight so high considering she must easily burn 3-4000 calories a day on a 12-hour shift. Once when I was a tween or young teen we did weight watchers, and I think she successfully dropped to under 200 lbs, maybe 180 (she's 5'5"), at a lower lean body mass than I currently do; I've never seen her run, do any sort of heavy weight-lifting, etc. She's let herself go terribly since then. I'd guess she's around 260 maybe? She doesn't seem to have any real inclination to lose weight.

My dad has also ballooned in weight in the past 5-10 years. He now suffers from high blood pressure, gout, had to have his gallbladder removed, and has had warnings about showing signs of type 2 diabetes. Despite that, he's convinced that he can't do anything until he can exercise again, and he's currently suffering from a highly inflamed knee (possible torn ligament) that prevents any heavy activity. Any time I try to bring up food choices or how reducing their intake would be more helpful, I just get criticized. :(

/r/fatlogic Thread