The outer world sucks ... Someone pls help I feel like I am loosing my mind

Cuz idk we are still figuring this out I guess... And we want something which lasts and plus school will end for me in 3 months so... Idk we told and agreed it could maybe be a possibility for the future... Also.... Thing is bluntly... Relationships at school aren't encouraged here... Although many are secretly doing it. And we will be screwed if we got caught... And it will also be like... We were lying all along to others that we are just good friends. And it will be like they were right. Well he got screwed minorly for texting me normally. Argh.... It sucks... We are so mature and have an amazing Outlook on life and relationships. We have talked about it. But sigh the world seems to not allow... It's almost as if they are trying to make me feel bad for having feelings for a guy uk

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