Outrage culture at its finest.

Read my other reply.

As I said there - asserting that all feminists believe that all men are trash is no better than the ones who do assert it calling us trash. You’d be guilty of the same crime - a painful irony, as it were.

Religion has no bearing on this, nor does the specific examples that I used. You can nitpick over the wording, yet you ignore the message:

If we want to take the high road, we must be better than any opponents. We must be unbiased, fair, greeting each person with neutral expectations until proven otherwise (positive or negative), and not applying pre-conceived archetypes to people that we haven’t even met.

Hasty generalizations are one of the worst fallacies to make.

As for your other reply, no, feminism is not what they teach at universities. “Gender studies” is not what core feminism is.

Feminism, plain and simply, is seeking equal rights for women - to ensure that men and women are on the same, level playing field. Anything else - any man-hating, gender studies (unless those studies pertain to relevant issues, such as women’s right to abortions in the west, or women’s rights in general in the Middle East), etc. are extraneous.

Coupled with Men’s rights to ensure that men are on an even playing field with women, if the two movements can manage to work together, we can become a powerful force for change that complements each other. Think about it like adding weight to a scale - if weight is added to both sides in the same amount, it will even out.

I despise the “all men are pigs” mini-faction as much as you, however if we go and assert that all feminists are bra-burners, then we are no better than our opponent. We must be better, unbiased, and open.

/r/MensRights Thread Link - i.redd.it