Outside my house. Never thought I would see that up here. Southern pride?

Listening to the first 2 and a half minutes of that video I agree with him 100%. And he backed up my argument. People are flying that flag to represent the south and their heritage. It's an ignorant thing to do but it's not done out of hate or racism. It's purely there to show pride in their heritage. It is NOT the best option they had but it is what EVERYONE associates with the south.

And I have not expressed my personal opinion at all in this thread. If you want my personal opinion it is that the Confederate flag should not be flown to represent the south. I do not have an answer for what should be and no one else has a recommendation on something that's iconic and represents only the south without specifying one state. So unless you have an answer this still remains the best option even with all the bad history associated with it.

/r/ottawa Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com