Over it

i know an EM doc that took a medical director position for an EMS agency out in Hawaii because he was over being in the midwest dealing with all of this.

while i’m a firemedic, i did work in the ER as a tech for awhile and can understand the frustration on the nurse/tech side. i finally quit my PRN ER job this past July and have been much happier since. since going fire/EMS, i haven’t looked back at a hospital.

i imagine it’s not as simple as i make it sound, and i understand you have to do EMS fellowships if you’re a doctor, but maybe looking into wild land EMS, fire departments, etc. that need medical directors will be worthwhile and a change of pace? there’s also tactical medical directors and coast guard doctors too. if you’re a nurse, there have been a bunch of my friends that are nurses that went flight nursing and they’ve fallen in love with their job all over again.

best of luck. i hope you found your happiness.

/r/emergencymedicine Thread