Over 30,000 doctors and health professionals in Argentina campaign to ban Monsanto

Fine, I guess I will translate it.

Why would someone paid to improve the image of a company do so from only one account?

Is what I said.

What makes you believe this is his only account?

Is what you responded.

The context of people accusing Sleek of shillery should have tipped you off that I wasn't making that claim, I was making the claim that if someone were paid to shill on a topic, they wouldn't do so heavily from one single account over the course of 6 years. They would want to distance themselves from the topic to avoid accusations of a vested interest. Someone who just has a personal interest would have no such concern.

Making it look like real individuals makes things more authentic. Spoiler: Everything making people believe that it's "real" is what these companies do... the fact that you were swayed means this is exactly what astroturfers should look like.

You're apparently really impressed by what the "companies" do. Everything that they've done to convince me of their genuineness is all a magic ploy. I'm such a sucker and you're a master detective. I've chatted alongside these people for literally years in subs like /r/skeptic. They've pointed me to a lot of valuable resources on the topic. The fact that I many times do exactly what they do (of my own free will, for free) is a big part of what convinces me they're not shills. Is that part of the magic plan, too?

Also, "astroturfing" refers to making it look like there's widespread community support, not individuals "shilling". If there were vote bots controlling discourse on topics the admins would certainly have exposed it like they have with Gawker in the past.

That's because there is nothing wrong with liking and supporting Magic the Gathering and any "shilling" on its behalf is utterly irrelevant as its just a card game.

This is the part that really convinced me you weren't worth talking to. I offhandedly used MTG in your profile as an example of how one person can talk extensively about a single topic without being a "shill" for that topic. Anyone above a grade school reading level should have picked up on that.

Playing TCGs doesn't innocent humans in your society by giving them cancer nor is it subsidised with tax money like the agricultural business. Nor is anyone forced to play TCGs in the way everyone is forced to consume food.

And then you make a bunch of completely unsupported claims to really hammer home the fact that you're only accusing them of shillery because you have a bunch of preconceived notions (namely that they're evil) and you don't understand why anyone would defend them unless they're paid to do it.

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