Overall wedding disaster. I'm horrified and embarrassed and want to crawl under a rock forever.

You are posting this on your wedding night?

You let children do toasts rather than be a parent and ask them not to? It’s literally your job to make sure your kids don’t embarrass themselves snd you shirked that responsibility and want to be angry at them? You don’t get to. You blew it as a parent and now deal with the consequences.

Your father and the father / daughter dance- this part is super unclear- why didn’t your father dance with you at your first wedding? You’re acting like this is a wedding for a young woman, with a father/daughter dance, but you have a 13 year old, so frankly, you should be glad your father is still alive. Mine passed away when my oldest was 13.

So yeah, your first wedding got to be the storybook wedding, your second wedding with the teenagers, I mean, you got married, but you can’t seriously pretend it was going to be the same at 40 than it was at 27, that’s not realistic

Sorry, no sympathy here, this letter is full of red flags.

/r/relationship_advice Thread