Overcharge, Ruin, and Lullaby are always used to "Slow the game down, just a little bit"

Sure, short matches was/are not a problem and a big part of the community and devs are just desilusionals to think it./s

Games go too fast when killers don't know how to play.

  • They respect pallets. This leads to taking longer for a pallet to get dropped.

  • They try to bloodlust. Even if he ends up getting that one survivor without breaking the pallet, he hasn't done anything to clear the other pallets and still took a significant amount of time.

  • They don't know how to play around shack. This leads to several wasted seconds, just because they allow survivors to optimally vault multiple times before even being in danger enough to drop the pallet.

  • They don't know how to mind game in short wall - long wall pallets.

  • They don't know how to deny optimal vaults in LT wall loops.

  • While chasing someone, they go past other survivors working on generators in an usafe area and don't switch targets to push people out of the gen.

  • They drop a chase to kick gens.

The list goes on.

The core problem of killers has always been their skill level but even then devs still helped them out by reducing pallets count and creating chase perks (Bamboozle, Spirit Fury, etc).

Slowing games down through perks that only makes games boring is not the answer.

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