overcoming shyness in Urbana-Champaign (or America in general)

So I'd say if your coming from high school, it's the best time to get out of your shell... It depends...what do you like doing? Are you artistic? Do like analyzing/watchin films? Are you a painter? Would you want to learn how to paint? Would you like to take kickboxing? Do you want to smoke hukah? (or some other alternative?...) Do you want to be healthy? (we have a HUGE gym, and a lot of places to go running here :D). Are there a type of people you'd want to try to hang out with? Is there a subject your interested in? (Macro-economics? American television (perferable 90's, like Friends and Seinfeld..I highly recommend). Do you want to join a debate club? (see how western politic works haha). Do you want to talk to people about anime, and things in your country (sorry, I'm being an ignorant American...and assume), also a lot of ppl LOVE anime (not as a whole..but in pockets of people).

Anyway, the point i'm trying to make if figuring out out what your personality is (your current interests) and try to live outside you bubble of a comfort zone. You'll find in America (any yea...it's the corn field...but a lot of us come from different places, like Chicago, and the midwest..) are really vocal people, and we like culture, and being loud and obnoxious. Which...where can you find that? I ask you? xD No where. Anyway, I implore you make this experience as meaningful and diverse as possible. Don't stick with the same people each day. Try to meet many different groups, ethnicities, and even people you may have not "disliked" in high school, get to know those people. Also share own personality to the table. really express yourself. This is a free-speech country, so don't be afraid to be loud!!!

/r/UIUC Thread